My drawings today from my sketchbook class, we were drawing cadavers. These are from the head and neck dissections of the donors. This is one of my favorite locations I take my students. It is humbling.
Drawn with a Sailor/Wancher Turquoise 1911L. The M nib on this pen comes to a sharp point which allows for some line variation not from flex but based on how deep the firm nib digs into the watercolor paper. The Noodlers Black ink is a little dry and that contributes to this effect.
In one of my other art communities Glacier National Park was the prompt for today.
I found a refence photo online.
Then a guy I follow on instagram (@harryfrost) does pen and ink art in a similar style to my submission.
I used my light board to trace some of the basic shapes of the refenence photo.
NOTE: I don’t try to trace too much…typically i trace a minimal amount that helps me a bit with portion and shape. Since I’m pretty new to sketching I guess I’m ok with a bit of tracing. Any thoughts?
I had this bizarre dream recently that I saw some
maniac driving in circles around my neighbourhood in what looked like a Reliant Robin, ready to crash into whatever they could at any given moment… yes, my mind (awake or asleep) works in weird ways but it gives me ideas so, hurray?